Under the direction of the Board of Directors of Vietranstimex:
As part of the Plan for training and supplementing knowledge on key topics related to the business integration and development process towards modernization, sustainability and diversity of industries in the context of a "galloping" economy besides difficulties and challenges.
One of the indispensable training topics is to supplementing knowledge about occupational safety and health in accordance with the mottos "Safety first", "Safety - Quality - Progress".
In line with the company’s policy, on April 19, 2023, all employees at the headquarters and branches participated in a session of training and supplementing OSH knowledge in production, in the working environment at the company and with customers. The training session was presented and guided by the Chief Safety Officer of the company.

Although the training time was not much, it presented and transmitted a lot of useful knowledges that helps employees understand the basic rules of safety when working at the office. Specially to help Sales and Sales admins to understand more broadly and deeply about the field of safety so that they can get the minimum knowledge about safety, environment in order to confidently communicate with domestic and international customers about the safety standards they set before trading (which is the top concern of all organizations: “safe for production – production must be safe”).

The training session also trained skills such as: how to assess risks, how to handle emergency situations, .... Each employee participating in the training course understood how to identify potential risks in each job performed, thereby training a high mindset and sense of safety in order to avoid hazards and know how to handle them in the most effectively way when encountering problems, and prevent unnecessary problems in the future.

The training session was closed by a practice session in fire prevention and fighting, helping all employees get acquainted with the means of firefighting at the facility. Practice basic skills in firefighting operations such as: distinguishing and using different types of fire extinguishers by yourself, extinguishing many types of fires with different devices (powder, gas, fire retardant fabrics) , powder bombs ...).

Training and rehearsal ended in the late afternoon of the day. The staff performed well and completed the exercise safely and achieved many benefits. The quick on-site general knowledge test by asking general questions was also grasped and answered by the staff participating in the course smoothly, positively during the training-rehearsal session./.